Promoting Self-Change from Problem Substance Use: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention and Treatment
by Harald Klingemann,Linda C. Sobell,J. Barker,J. Blomqvist,W. Cloud,T. Ellinstad,D. Finfgeld,R. Granfield,D. Hodgings,G. Hunt,C. Junker,F. Moggi,S. Peele,R. Smart,M. Sobell,J. Tucker
Promoting Self-Change from Problem Substance Use: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention and Treatment
by Harald Klingemann,Linda C. Sobell,J. Barker,J. Blomqvist,W. Cloud,T. Ellinstad,D. Finfgeld,R. Granfield,D. Hodgings,G. Hunt,C. Junker,F. Moggi,S. Peele,R. Smart,M. Sobell,J. Tucker
ISBN 13: 9780792367710
Format: Illustrated
(229 pages)
Publisher: Springer
Published: 31 May 2001
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